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Feeding the LinkedIn Beast

It’s tough to stand out in a sea of profiles, but with the right approach, you can make LinkedIn’s algorithm work for you. This playbook will show you how to optimize your profile, boost your visibility, and land the interviews you deserve.

Let’s be real—breaking through the LinkedIn algorithm can feel frustrating, but here’s the deal: you’ve got to “feed the beast” to get noticed, and actively engaging and show up in the platform is the best way to do it. It might feel a bit contrived or uncomfortable at first, but LinkedIn isn’t the full picture of who you are—it’s a tool. Think of it as your professional persona, designed to highlight your strengths and aspirations. With this playbook, we’ll show you how to strategically boost your profile so that the right people see the best version of you and open doors to the opportunities you deserve.



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Work the Algorithm Challenge

Level 1: Above the Fold Facelift

Spend 10 minutes reviewing your LinkedIn profile, focusing on above the fold – your headline, photo, About You, and recent posts. Ask yourself: Does this content reflect the professional persona I want to highlight? Could someone easily understand what I do and how I do it?

  • Make at least one change that amplifies your profile “above the fold”
Level 2: Keyword Boost

Think about the job you want and the skills it requires—both technical and soft skills. Dig through job postings for a few roles you’d love; what words do you see repeated across various postings?  

  • Sprinkle these keywords in your headline, summary, and experience sections to boost your chances of showing up in recruiter searches. Consider adding a "specialties" section in your summary to showcase multiple keywords more naturally.
Level 3: Join the Conversation
  • For the next two weeks, commit to commenting meaningfully on at least one post each day. Choose content that aligns with your industry, expertise or interests and add genuine, thoughtful insights.
Level 4: Try your hand at Content Creation
  • Create and post one piece of content (a post, article, or video) that highlights your unique POV and thoughts on a trending topic in your field. Focus on being authentic and engaging, and observe the reactions and views.
Work Smarter Not Harder
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Starter Scripts

It can be intimidating putting yourself out there on LinkedIn. Here are some quick scripts you can say to yourself, and to others, to move through the discomfort and get the most out of the platform.

Things to say to yourself:

  • "Visibility is key; staying hidden won't get me where I want to be."
  • "I’m not selling out—I’m creating opportunities."
  • "People want to connect, and I’m worthy of being seen."
  • "I won’t get lost in this LinkedIn game – I’m cracking the code and making the system work for me."

To say to others:

  • Reaching Out to Connections
    “Hi [Name], I loved your post on [topic] and [talk about similar interests, experiences, frustrations] . I’ve been following your work and/or your company for a while now and would love to connect and hear more about your experience at [company/field], and also share some of my insights on [insert topic]. Let me know if you’re up for a quick chat!”

  • Engaging with Recruiters
  • Adding a Note to a Connection Request
    “Hi [Name], thanks for connecting! I’m currently exploring roles in [industry/role], and I’d love to stay connected on your current projects.. Looks like you’re doing a lot of great work in this field. Let’s stay in touch!”

Important Reminder: These scripts are here to guide you, but what truly matters is showing up as you. Copy-pasting won’t cut it—what makes you stand out is your personality, your voice, and what makes you unique. Use these as a foundation, but let your authentic tone shine through. People connect with people, not just words. Being genuine is what will make others love your approach and connect you with opportunities where your strengths and passions truly shine.

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