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Have any of your own advice to share?
October 1, 2024

Someone has asked....

Recently offered a role as I was desiring upward mobility in my current location but the timeline was super unsteady (for reasons both within mgmt's control and out) so I sought opportunities externally. The offer letter has great pay hourly while training, that transitions into a solid salary but demands 50+ hours a week. It is slightly outside of my current industry, but has many transferable skills. Also, with this role, it would bar me from moving as soon as I'd like to. I had intentions on continuing my education out of state to a school that I was accepted to.

The same day my offer letter was sent, another role opened up in my company just under a different department. It completely aligns with my expertise and career goals too. The max pay is about a dollar less than the newly offered role, but I am open to negotiation/compromise. However, I'd have to start that interview process all over again- but at least I'd be an internal candidate. And this role would not prevent me from moving.

Honestly I'm just unsure of which to do and would love some career advice!

Obviously I can't make this decision for you, but it sounds like there's more to gain by giving it a go for the second offer.

That said, there's always a little risk in declining an open offer that stands.

Here's what I'd do:

Try to buy yourself a little time with offer 1 to think about it. If they are pushing you or give you a deadline to make a decision, accept the role.
Then, continue pursuing the second role even after you've accepted the first. Best case, it results in an offer which you can either take straight away or you can use as leverage to negotiate something you want in offer one (such as higher $ or the option to move).

It may feel a little shady to say yes and keep looking, but if you get to a place where you've got two offers on the table, that's a much better situation for you. And to be blunt - companies interview tons of candidates for roles. Why can't you interview tons of companies?

p.s. If you do end up with two offers, come back here and we can help you script how you'd share the news that you're retracting your "Yes" from offer 1!