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October 1, 2024

Someone has asked....

I know what a resume and cover letter is, but what do you mean when you suggest that I tell my Personal Career Story?

A Personal Career Story is a clear, concise explanation of your background. It's broken into three parts: Who you are, what you've done, and where you want to go next in your career. Using this three-part framework is a powerful way to help our story stand out in a crowded market. After all, humans love stories! That's why we read books, watch movies, and enjoy sharing stories with friends.

Here are some questions to help you begin developing your own Personal Career Story:

  • Who you are | What matters most to you in life and in work? When do you feel proud of what you've accomplished? What words would people use to describe you? 
  • What you've done | What activities did you most enjoy while growing up? What part of school came most naturally to you? What professional endeavours have you taken on?
  • Where you want to go next | If you could change two things about your personal career situation right now, what would it be? What type of environment do you need to be successful? 

With the answers to these kinds of questions, you can start to build a Personal Career Story that is memorable and makes your resume sound like an intentional journey, not a "random" set of experiences. Next time someone asks you to tell them about yourself, try using the Personal Career Story framework!