In today's job market, it can be easy to forget that interviews are two way streets. This week's BLT and Career Sandwich podcast share our perspective on tough interview moments, and how they can often be a blessing in disguise.
We've all been there: you're in an interview and what started as a conversation begins to feel more like an interrogation. The interviewer might start fishing for dirt on your last company, be asking totally unrelated questions about your personal life, or perhaps they are dismissive in their tone entirely. Worse, they could even tell you to your face that the interview is a waste of their time.
These moments feel horrible, and it's so easy to leave feeling like you've done something wrong. But trust us when we say: being treated poorly during an interview says more about the company than it says about you. These moments can sting in the short term, but you've definitely dodged a bullet in the long term.
Have you ever seen the movie 8 Mile? If so, you may remember the iconic scene towards the end of the movie where Eminem's character wins the final round of a rap battle by sharing all of the anticipated disses he's expecting from his opponent. At the end of his verse, he hands his mic over and simply states: "Now tell 'em something about me that they don't know." Eminem's opponent now has no material to use, and he forfeits the last round.
We know that interviews aren't rap battles - nor would we want them to be! But, there is an important take away from this clip that we can use during tough interview moments: by sharing directional truths about hard moments in our career (being let go, not aligning well to leadership, etc. etc.), we can end that part of the conversation effectively and redirect that energy elsewhere.
(Haven't seen the 8 Mile clip? You can check it out here. But please be mindful that the language is NSFW or kids.)
We're often asked: "What do I say if the interviewer asks why I left my last job?"
Our advice is always the same: Never lie in these moments. Share directional truths, but leave out overly specific details. Listen in to this week's podcast to learn how.
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