BLT #23 | Get ahead of work emergencies

January 24, 2025

If you're like us, these last few days have felt like the first "really long week" of 2025. Whether you're watching the climate emergencies unfold, seeing the impacts of increasing geopolitical tensions or feeling generally uncertain about what's ahead, you're not alone. To help prevent the chaos from seeping into our work, this week's BLT will share some tips on how you can get ahead of potential career potholes like return to work policies, re-orgs, or worst case: layoffs.


Preparing for a hard moment isn't wishing or willing it into existence.

We have talked to thousands of people since starting Career Sandwich. The people we support span a wide range of jobs, levels and industries. Despite the breadth of their work, we've noticed a surprising theme across the board: most people avoid thinking about and planning for work emergencies unless they absolutely have to. When we dig in, we hear that these folks have a fear of "willing" a problem into existence; they believe that if they think or talk about a potential problem too much, it will inevitably come true.

There are millions of reasons why humans avoid these hard topics, but the reality is that preparing for a work emergency ahead of time is almost always worth it. The plan you develop may not cover all of your bases in the moment, but it sure as sh!t helps you get through the hard times as quickly and smoothly as possible.


Facing our fears.

We often avoid things that scare us. That's why we like to list the things that scare us about a potential work emergency before they occur and when we're in a calm, regulated state. Consider writing down all the things that scare you about potential work emergencies, starting with the small things and moving up towards the big stuff. You'll likely find that the act of putting them on paper immediately makes them a few clicks less scary.


Adopt 2 easy habits to help stay prepared.

  • Keep your networks warm | In a world where many things are fleeting, staying in touch with your connections throughout the year helps highlight you as a meaningful, lasting member of someone’s network, not just someone who calls when you need support or a favor.
  • Keep your essential docs up to date | Let's imagine you were unexpectedly let go tomorrow. You'll likely want to get your resume updated quickly, but there are few things more challenging than having to recall all of your accomplishments from the last few years at once. Avoid the panic altogether by spending 15 minutes a month making sure your resume is up to date.

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