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Cringe-free Self-Advocacy

Feeling stuck, overlooked, or undervalued at work can be frustrating. This playbook will help you advocate for yourself in a way that feels authentic, positioning you to take control of your growth, gain recognition, and move toward your next career milestone.

You’re working hard, cranking out great work, and feeling like you’re crushing it—but somehow, you’re still not getting ahead. It’s frustrating, right? The truth is, waiting for someone to notice your effort isn’t a strategy. It’s time to take control. Self-advocacy isn’t about being boastful—it’s about confidently sharing your achievements, seeking feedback, and ensuring your work aligns with your goals and values. This playbook will help you advocate for yourself and make sure your hard work leads to real progress.



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Folks, meet the Hype Doc—your go-to tool for advocating for yourself at work. It helps you track wins, feedback, and behind-the-scenes contributions, so you’re always ready to confidently showcase your value. It’s easy to forget what you did a week ago, let alone months ago. A Hype Doc helps systematize and foolproof your ability to self-advocate. It’s not about showboating or tracking minutiae, but about painting a clear picture of the value you contribute.

Follow the tips below to create and maintain your Hype Doc, then use the template to get started!

Step 1: Set Regular Reminders

Schedule a recurring time every two weeks to update your Hype Doc. The more frequently you update it, the easier it will be to remember the contributions you’ve made.

Step 2: Use Your Hype Doc for Performance Conversations

Before your next check-in with your manager, review your Hype Doc to identify key achievements. Use it to prepare for conversations about new opportunities or to highlight areas where you’ve excelled.

Step 3: Reflect and Record to get your Hype Doc started now!

Take 10 minutes now to reflect on the past month at work. Write down all of the accomplishments you’re proud of, how they align with your company’s goals, and any lessons learned or hidden work that may have gone unnoticed.

Hype Doc Template

Use the following template to structure your Hype Doc and stay organized:

1. Accomplishments
  • Date: [When the accomplishment happened]
  • Project/Task: [Brief description of the project or task]
  • Impact: [What was the result? Did it save time, money, or improve processes?]
  • Skills Demonstrated: [Which strengths or skills were on display?]
  • Recognition: [Any feedback or acknowledgment received]
2. Feedback & Kudos
  • Source: [Who provided the feedback—manager, peer, client?]
  • Quote: [Direct quote or summary of the feedback]
  • Context: [Where/when the feedback was given]
  • What it Highlights: [What strength or quality does this feedback reinforce?]
3. Lessons Learned
  • Challenge Faced: [What obstacle did you overcome?]
  • Key Learning: [What did you learn, and how did you grow from it?]
  • Application: [How can this learning be applied to future work?]
4. Behind-the-Scenes Contributions
  • Task: [A task you worked on that wasn’t highly visible]
  • Impact: [How did this contribute to the success of a project or the team?]
  • Follow-up: [Any follow-up actions or next steps]
5. Development Opportunities
  • New Skills: [Skills you’ve developed or want to develop]
  • Stretch Projects: [Projects or areas where you can further grow]

Next Steps: [What’s the next opportunity or responsibility you want to advocate for?]

Work Smarter Not Harder
Rate each of the following statements.

Starter Scripts

To say to yourself:
  • "I am the only person with complete insight into everything I do"
  • "I am my own best hype-person"
  • “No one cares more about my career than I do”
To say to others:
When things are going well – “Business As Usual”

Note: Remember, our mindset around self-advocacy should be “always-on.” This helps ensures that your contributions and value are consistently visible, not just during performance reviews or when things go wrong. When you regularly advocate for yourself, you build a narrative around your achievements, skills, and growth that aligns with your goals and helps you stay top-of-mind for new opportunities, stretch projects, or promotions. Find moments in your regular 1-on-1s to share your wins and the work that feels the most “you”.

Here’s a conversation starter:

"I wanted to take a moment to highlight some of the recent wins I’ve been excited about, like [specific project/accomplishment]. I feel like this work has really showcased my strengths in [skill or area], and I’m proud of the results [ideally tying back to specific company or team goal].  What are your thoughts on these projects?  I’d love to discuss how I can continue building on this momentum and explore new opportunities to add even more value to the team."


When you want support in stretching/developing new skills:

"I’ve been reflecting on my recent work and the skills I’ve developed, and I really feel ready to take on a new challenge. I’m particularly interested in [specific project or area], as I think it would allow me to stretch my skills in [specific area]. I’d love to discuss how I can contribute to this project while continuing to add value to the team.

What steps do you think I should take to prepare for this opportunity?"


When you know you’ve been killing it performance-wise, but but have been passed up for a promotion:

"I’ve been putting in a lot of effort and feel like I’m ready to move to the next level, so I’ll admit I’m feeling frustrated that there isn’t an opportunity available right now. I understand there are business constraints, and I’d like to have an open conversation about how I can stay motivated and continue growing in the meantime.  Are there ways I can take on more responsibilities or projects that will help me prepare for when the right opportunity comes along?"


When you feel like your work is going unnoticed:

"I wanted to take a moment to discuss some of the work I’ve been focusing on, particularly areas that may not be as visible, like [specific behind-the-scenes tasks]. I’ve been working on [describe contributions], which I believe have added value by [specific impact, e.g., saving time, improving processes, etc.]. I’d love to get your feedback on how I can better showcase this work and align it more clearly with our team’s goals. Are there areas where I could be more visible or contribute in ways that better support the team?"

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Your Career Confidence Score
Where you're at:
You’re not feeling great about where you’re at. We get it, and we can help.
You’re probably feeling “Eh” about where you’re at. We can help you find the tweaks to get to a better place.
Nice! You’re in a good spot, but we’d love to help you get from good to great.
Your 4-6 Month Goal: